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Why bias against colored hair is hypocrisy

When I was a child, dragged to church by my parents every Sunday, I saw a lot of what my young mind thought of as "old people".

Now I know, looking back, that these were people in their late forties at the most. Some were still having children.

The popularity of the "blue hair rinse" became popular in the 70s and continued on into the 80s. This would be the oldest of the so-called Silent Generation (1928-1945), and their children, and the youngest of the so-called Boomer generation (1946-1964).

This rinse was designed to cover up yellowing and greying hair. I clearly remember seeing several heads covered with blue hair dotted throughout the church pews.

And yet these are the people judging today's youth for their "wild" and "ridiculous " hairstyles. I'll close with two actual photos from Woodstock, which was attended by our rebellious, drug-consuming, fight the man Boomer parents.

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