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Trans Kids aren’t “fortunate “

Please, please, for all of Pete's sake, stop saying how lucky or fortunate transgender or even kids that come out as gay are who have family who is supportive.

It is the family who are the lucky ones who find themselves caring enough to love their children more than religious beliefs or fear of societal appearance and fully accept and support them. If you as a parent chose to have a child, you chose to bring a life into the world whom you are supposed to love unconditionally.

Providing your child a safe, loving, and supportive environment where they feel safe enough to share their truth is a gift to yourself. When parents choose their own selfish needs over their child, they are tearing away the part of them selves that welcomed that child into the world with an internal love that should be unconditional and last a lifetime.

The damage it does to a child is forever. Often forced to leave their home with no place to go, the love they're accustomed taken away forever, cannot be repaired. Typically even if the parent finds they've done such irreparable harm, the trust bond is forever damaged.

The child's trust and love is lost to you forever. The gift of having the child you welcomed to your family is gone forever.

It's not luck they have when you give them your support and love when your child comes out. It's luck you have to still have your child in your life, still the same child you welcomed into the world.

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