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The Dark Side of Purity

If you've visited my Twitter page, you've probably read all about this. Or my Facebook blog at Hearts. A group of 30 women and non-binary creators, including myself, are collaborating to bring together an incredible collection of prose, illustrated poetry, art, and comics to demonstrate our rage at the current state of events. This country is too focused on controlling women's bodies, whether it be through taking away our rights, to teaching girls and boys that purity (virginity) is important and must be sacrosanct at all costs.

Why do brides wear white at weddings? Why must a girl be a virgin when she marries? Why is a woman supposed to suppress her sexual appetites, and considered sullied or dirty if she has multiple sexual partners? Men don't suffer all of these things.

Girls are constantly told that the way they dress is responsible for enticing boys and men, and it is up to them to behave and dress in a way that doesn't do that. Abortion rights is probably the worst issue right now, with so many people believing it is their right to tell a woman what to do with her body if she becomes pregnant.

We are not breeders. It is our choice to decide if we want to carry and give birth to children with our bodies. The happenstance of becoming pregnant does not mean we should be forced to have a baby. Those who want to force that upon women who become pregnant seem to find their reasoning for enforcing their beliefs to end once the baby is born. No mother deserves support if she finds herself unable to support the baby she has been forced to have - that is her problem now. The emotional consequences are hers to deal with. And for some reason, we never seem to hear anything about what the consequences should be for the men who impregnated the women should be. Here we are - full circle back to that purity issue, again. The pregnancy is the woman's fault, because she should never have opened her legs and had sex to begin with.

This is why it was so important to me to become a part of the #DSoP project to begin with. I hope any of you reading this understand and agree and might find yourself moved to head on over to Twitter and donate to our Kickstarter campaign. All proceeds will be donated to NARAL.

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