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Separating the art from the artist

This is a topic that comes up often, and I ote. Find myself on the opposite side of the debate from many people (white men, mostly).

With the news that Toby Keith died, I see so many posts about how sad it is, what a tragic loss. I disagree. Toby Keith was Trump supporter, a staunch right-wing conservative, and at some of his concerts, said things that should never be overlooked. He made sexual references about teenaged girls. He used the slur "k--ks". He changed his political affiliation because a black man was nominated for President to the DNC ticket.

The fact that he's dead does not change the fact that he did or said these things. He didn't suddenly become a good person in my eyes.

Other examples: There was a white male writer of science who was known for years to grope women and say sexually inappropriate things at conventions. Now that he's dead, several other white male writers I know of say the typical comments. Well, he was such a great writer. We were friends. People loved his writing. Separate the art from the artist.

This says just as much about them as it does about him. He was a bad guy but they are complicit because they knew what he was doing and said nothing. Now that he's dead, they say, his work still speaks for itself because he was so talented and he can no longer harm anyone.

No! This is white make toxicity! For decades it has been impossible for women or ANY member of a marginalized group to break into the publishing world and they've enjoyed their privilege far too long.

When Kevin Spacey was accused of sexual assault of a minor , I vowed I would never watch another movie of his again. Including movies already released. I was so glad that the industry locked him out of his career. Proof that even alive he was not going to continue to receive support for his crimes.

The same goes for JK Rowling. If she dies, is it a tragic loss to the world? No. Her contributions via the inspirational works of Harry Potter aren't enough. It is, after all, as many have pointed out, simply Star Wars on Earth, using Earth legends (Nicholas Flemel). Since then she has done a tremendous amount of damage to the LGBTQ community, members of which were her staunchest fans. She has used her influence to lead a movement against a group that is already in danger.

There is no separating the art from the artist when so much harm is done. Every artist listed here has done something so heinous as to never be forgiven.

I will continue to argue on the side of never supporting those who treated others poorly, hurt or disparaged them.

And after they die, they don't magically become a good person who deserves support or forgiveness. Let's link hearts and hope nothing happens to Patrick Stewart or Ian McKellan. And all the other good people who deserve our love and support even after they're gone.

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