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Our short lives

What if we understood just how limited our time here on Earth really was? Even if we the longest possible life, the best we can.hope for is likely 100. That's not really that long in the grand scheme of a species that's only been around a couple of hundred thousand years, on a planet that's several billions of years old.

We take in animals for pets that we know will only live 12-17 years. We love them fiercely and watch them live joyfully despite their short years.

Yet we don't appreciate our own short years or understand our mortality. We tell each other to be kind to others because we don't know what they are going through but we don't do that for our families even when we do.

We say things like anyone could die at anytime, but when it happens, a sudden death, no one was prepared. If we find out we have a terminal illness, we are devastated and not ready.

It's just life. From the day we are born, we are dying. Everyone dies, whether it's an accident or disease or simply of old age.

We are beautiful creatures because of our short lives. We burn brightly for the limited time we are here and have the opportunity to make an incredible impact, to leave a legacy behind. Not fame or fortune, but how we made a difference and the memories we leave behind with the people who knew and loved us the most.

To quote Walt Whitman: That you are here-that life exists and identity.

That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.

What will your verse be?

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