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OJ is dead and it’s okay to be happy

When someone dies, there’s always a sense (or pressure from the public,) that you’re supposed to feel bad about the loss.

But why? In the case of OJ Simpson, I’m happy about it. The world is a better place without a person who murdered two people and got away with it. We all know he committed those crimes. He actually writes a book explaining how he did it. Double jeopardy ensured he couldn’t be tried again.

Each of us thinks of ourselves as one person; the way we view ourselves from the inside. In fact there multiple versions of us—the way everyone who knows sees us. Every friend, family member, partner, child, acquaintance. They all have different experiences with us and a different perspective of who we are.

Consider the per main who commits a crime. Many people who knew that person will say “oh, they were so nice,” or “you’d never guess they would do such a thing,” often to the point where these character witnesses can skew the way a jury can think k of someone. I believe in the case of OH Simpson, his celebrity even influenced the final decision.

But guess who else had a different view of the person and no voice to share what they thought of the person? The victim.

Often because of character witnesses, if the victim is present and can share their viewpoint, the other person’s attorney can find character witness to tell their view of that person. Often they will be people who didn’t like the victim and paint and ugly picture of them.

Is that fair? No, but it’s the nature of humans to form a personal opinion of a person they interact with.

Everyone had an opinion about OJ Simpson, both negative and positive, and I thought negatively of a person I was absolutely convinced was guilty. Yes, I am glad I am dead. I feel no guilt for that.

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