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Maia’s last day

Since the advent of cell phones with decent cameras, I've seen a lot of vids created by people preparing to say goodbye to their beloved doggos. To each their own.

Personally, I think people spend too much time behind the camera and not enough time focusing on what's right in front of them.

Yes, it's admirable to spend the last day with your dog doing the things you think will make them happy. I, too, bought my Maia a couple of hamburgers the day before I was going to say goodbye.

But the day of, I didn't record our time together. Instead, I out my phone aside, and treasured those last hours together. I gave her all the love I could, and took her to see the sister she had grown up with. They played together, as much as Maia could stand through the pain.

She got lots of treats. I cut up some broccoli stems and gave them to her. (Her favorite vegetable, she always came on the run when she heard the chopping start.)

I held her when it was time as she fell asleep. I felt her last breath rush out of her body.

None of that day is captured on camera. Instead it will exist only in my memory. I vividly remember the day we picked her up as a puppy 12 years ago.

I know I will vividly remember her last day. I was not behind a camera taking photos or video. Instead, I was present in every moment, sharing in her experiences and giving her all the love I could.

I believe that is what we owe our beloved and cherished best friends; the love and loyalty they showed every day of our lives together.

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