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GenX, get over yourselves

I am so over seeing TikTok videos and social media posts hyping GenX as the generation "not to be messed with" because they've had to go through the shit and they drank from the hose without getting sick and claiming they're the latchkey generation.

The hose thing-it's about convenience. It was right there, cold water. And a little bit of laziness. Why not drink from the hose instead of running into the house for a glass of water? And it's carried over into adulthood. Why not fill a cooler with ice and beer (or the drink of your choice ) rather than go in the house to grab another?

GenX also invented the idea of giving everyone a participation trophy and then complains that the Millennials don't want to work hard enough. GenX told the Millennials they had to go to college and now complains about Millennials who want their loans forgiven because they were given government student aid at predatory rates the previous generations never had to see.

GenXers like to claim they got their asses beat and they're "just fine" as an excuse to pass on generational trauma. They scoff at the younger generations who are finally accepting therapy as something that should be just as normalized as physical healthcare.

Sure, there were kids whose parents weren't home right after school because both had to work regular jobs. But was that a hardship? Most people I knew were hanging with friends or using that time for fun. They didn't care that they were unsupervised for a couple of hours after school.

I know all these things because I am a GenXer. I respect the younger generations and honestly, I think the world will become a better place as each older generation passes on and takes their antiquated beliefs along.

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