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Food for thought

I had a visit with my neuro oncologist today, to discuss the results of my recent MRI. I gave one every three months to monitor the tumor in my head. So far, things are stable. But I still live with the knowledge that it could upgrade and grow out of control at any time.

It's not something I spend a lot of time worrying about, because I want to enjoy my life. Worrying just wrecks that time.

I think about the fact that I could have ten more years. That's only ten Christmases, ten more of my grandson's birthdays, ten more years with my friends. I have to lay any worry aside and make sure I take the time to appreciate every minute of what time there is. We never know, so we? Anyone could die at anytime. No one gets out alive.

It makes so much more sense to treasure every precious moment we have rather than waste them on worry.

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