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Editing your final draft

Often people finally decide they've completed the final draft of their book and ready for publishing, whether the method is through traditional guerying agents, querying independent publishers,, or going the self-publishing route.

Despite confidence in one own's sold those of beta readers, true experience is needed when it comes to editing your final draft for a true final product to present when querying or self-publishing a quality product.

I want this same thing. I've worked with several quality editors over the years. One of the most recent is Claudia Menin. I found myself impressed with the work done by Claudia in my manuscript. Sometimes it's hard to work with an editor, as you receive advice to change sections of your work to improve the book as a whole.

I found myself realizing just how much of an improvement those changes really made. That's the sign of a really talented editor to me and one I would highly recommend in the future.

Hire an editor. Have a polished product to query or self-publish. You'll be glad you did.

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