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Brain update

I used to do these on my Facebook blog, but I'm shifting them to my website.

For those new to following this blog, my brain cancer and other health stuff is in that blog, if you like to check it out. Facebook link is on the home page.

My last MRI (I have them every three months since the surgery in March) shows a slight increase in growth in the tumor that remains on my motor cortex in my left temporal lobe. That section of tumor could not be removed because tampering with it would cause paralysis.

With the new sign of growth, the doc is concerned about the possibility of recurrence of the original larger tumor that was removed, as well as the potential for the tumor to upgrade (which would be bad). Right now it's still a Grade II, a slow growing form of cancer, but if it were to upgrade l, it would become a more malignant form and much more dangerous.

The doc says he would like me to start treatment in the summer. Fortunately, there is a new medication just finishing up clinical trials. It should be available by summer, and has proven effective for tumors like mine, that have a genetic IDH1 component. It has shown potential in shrinking tumors and decreasing seizures. Hopefully this will be the case for me!

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