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Become your best self

I saw someone speaking recently about becoming what you want in life. Their first point was that if your goal is to become something specific-an IT specialist, a welder, a nurse, you are sadly limiting yourself. With that as your only goal, that is all you will focus on and will be your only option and outcome in life.

But if you leave your options open, take things as they come, you can be and do anything. Your first steps might be mundane, and nowhere close to what you'd like to accomplish in your life, but they're just stepping stones.

There is always more to come. Don't set the next goal. Wait and see what might come along. There is no way to determine what will happen in your life to alter your path and offer up another fork in the road to choose.

Imagine what you might become if you decide not to limit yourself by setting your feet on one road that will restrict you to one journey, with no other options or changes to which to adapt.

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