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Be kind…

There are so many different ways people encourage kindness. It seems to be that it's understood that kindness is important, but there always has to be a reason.

Such things as "you never know what someone else is going through". While that may be true, and there are many people struggling with different situations or difficulties, that isn't why we should make an effort to be kind.

Instead, just be kind because it's the right thing to do. Be kind for kindness's sake. Kindness is something people will carry with them after they receive it. Often, they will pass it on. It will also make you feel better too.

One other thing-don't expect a thank you when doing a kindness for someone else. They may thank you, they may not. But if you are being kind in expectation of a thank you, you are doing it for the wrong reason.

Be kind for the simple joy of being kind.

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