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Appreciate everything, even the losses

When I was first diagnosed with cancer, facing death was a life-changing experience.

Since then, I've learned to appreciate so much. Every day is a gift and life is beautiful. Loss casts a dark shadow, but I still try to hold on to life's gifts.

This year has been rough for me, for many reasons, and also because of the difficulty I'm still having writing.

Last year I had my second brain surgery. I was asked if there was anything I would like them to be careful of during the procedure. I said my writing was very important to me, and I would like to still be able to type afterward.

During the surgery, I had several seizures. I don't know if that caused the damage to my brain, or if it was the surgery itself, but the entire right side of my body was weakened, and I can no longer type accurately with my right hand. A year later and multiple sessions of physical therapy, and nothing has changed. I find it frustrating to struggle with the loss of my ability to type well. But I have to find the positives. I can still type with my left hand. It might take longer, but I can still get a story out of my head and written on my computer. Is it a struggle? Yes. But I can do it. I have written an entire 3000 word story on Google Docs with my left thumb. (I can no longer text with my right thumb, either.)

I separated from my partner of 33 years this year. I lost my beloved 12-year-old dog to cancer this year. I also found a wonderful group of friends, moved into the city where I've always wanted to live, and become more independent than I've ever felt this year.

Life has ups and downs. But it's beautiful in so many ways. I refuse to let anything stop me from living my best life.

I am a writer. If life is trying to stop me, it will fail. I will continue to write as long as I am physically capable.

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