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We're always told it's wrong to anthropomorphize animals. But that's ridiculous.

Attributing emotions to animals absolutely makes sense. Scientists know this. Studies have shown it to be true.

Animals show grief. They show love, joy, excitement, fear. These are all emotional states. So why have we always been told it's wrong to believe they have feelings?

Because humans have always tried to elevate ourselves out of the animal kingdom. How can we be animals? We're self aware, after all. Highly intelligent, with the capacity for reasoning.

Yet studies have proven that many other creatures that share this planet with us are also self aware and reason, problem solve, and figure out how to use tools. Some are likely more intelligent than we are. Even trees communicate through a network of interlaced root systems. Plants respond to stimuli like music or human speech.

That frightens people. But it could be so wonderful to open our minds and heard to the idea that we share this world with other species as intelligent as us, who have the capacity for growth, and with whom we could learn to communicate. We don't have to look to the stars to wonder if we're alone; the answer has been right here, all around us, the entire time.

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