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All-Ages Drag Show Protest

A certain city in Minnesota recently held an all-ages drag show.

Protestors showed up from as far away as Texas to claim the children were being “groomed”.

To be honest, there’s not much worse than a hypocrite. The Church has been indoctrinating children for hundreds of years, training girls to grow into subservient women, ready to serve and breed and care for the husband they’ve been told it’s their duty to marry.

The Church has also covered up decades, if not hundreds, of years of sexual assault of children. Children groomed to never speak of their trauma and to expect to suffer more upon demand.

What better way to deflect attention than to point the finger at someone else? Maybe the LGBTQIA community. It’s a small step for religion to sexualize same sex love, or people who live under the trans umbrella. Making it seem dirty turns others against us too.

Why drag shows? What about them would be considered grooming children? If boys (or any gender of child) are dressing up, putting on makeup, and singing, where’s the harm? The current white picket view of a little girl dressing up and playing tea party is acceptable, then why does a singing performance suddenly makes it grooming? What about pageantry? Little girls have been heavily made up and signed up to participate in those forever, and no one claimed they were groomed.

It’s time to look beyond societal “norms” and mind your business. Stop worrying about everyone else and what they’re doing and move along with your day. Don’t you have anything better to do with your time than stand around holding signs?

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