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The ticking clock of life

Last year in May was ten years from my original brain cancer diagnosis. I was told then that the prognosis was 5-10 years. I connected...

Separating the art from the artist

This is a topic that comes up often, and I ote. Find myself on the opposite side of the debate from many people (white men, mostly). With...

Grief may be the hardest word

I have a sign by the ashes of the dogs I've lost as a adult. It says something along the long "everytime I lose a dog they take a piece...

Why are we so drawn to horror?

Horror is a genre I've been drawn to all my life. In books, movies, and even TV shows like The Twilight Zone, Tales from the Crypt, and...

Let’s talk about discipline

As a Nana (grandmother but a name I like much better), I'm overjoyed at watching my son as a parent. He's doing a fabulous job. When...

Happy Wednesday!

I hope today was good to you all. If you're working on something presently, remember, most of the writers who have been considered...


Whoa! It's been a minute since I wrote a blog post on this website of mine. 2023 was such a bad year. Not the worst I've had, but not...

Keep encouraging emotional expression

For some reason, as children grow older, they are taught to start to withhold their emotions. It's not okay to express them in public...

Appreciate everything, even the losses

When I was first diagnosed with cancer, facing death was a life-changing experience. Since then, I've learned to appreciate so much. ...

Editing your final draft

Often people finally decide they've completed the final draft of their book and ready for publishing, whether the method is through...

Food for thought

I had a visit with my neuro oncologist today, to discuss the results of my recent MRI. I gave one every three months to monitor the tumor...

Service Animals

Not hung bothers me much more than the problems caused by the advent of emotional support animals. It's one thing when they are needed at...

Ive been stuck

The death of my dog hit me pretty hard. I know I was in denial when I decided it was time to put her down. I knew she had cancer-she had...


We're always told it's wrong to anthropomorphize animals. But that's ridiculous. Attributing emotions to animals absolutely makes sense....

Maia’s last day

Since the advent of cell phones with decent cameras, I've seen a lot of vids created by people preparing to say goodbye to their beloved...

Real loneliness

Ten days ago I lost my best friend. Her name was Maia. She was a German Shorthair Pointer and she was 12 years old. I've realized over...

Become your best self

I saw someone speaking recently about becoming what you want in life. Their first point was that if your goal is to become something...

Memorial Day

Yesterday was Memorial Day. I feel two ways about it. On the one hand, we honor the men and women who have died in service to the United...

Why impatience at a crosswalk matters

It's ableist. That's it-that's the point. Accessibility for the disabled isn't just a physical issue, it's a mindset. Our society doesn't...

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